Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Soccer Game #3

Emma's team did great last night at their soccer game!  Emma is still not as aggressive as I wish she would be...when the other girls go for the ball, she tends to back off.  But...she's learning!  Last night she even kicked the ball down the field, but kicked it to the side of the goal, instead of in it!  She said "I almost scored a goal!"  We were all very proud of her!
This is her "official" soccer picture!
(sorry for the quality...this is a picture of the picture!)

Excited to go in the game!

Yay Emma!!

Kicking in the ball

Good kick!

Coach putting her shoe back on!  She kept running out of it!

The girls playing ring-around-the-rosey during half-time!
(As I said before...I think she has more fun on the sidelines!  Maybe she'd be better suited for cheerleading!)

Running out of her shoe again!
When I went out there to tighten her shoelaces she started crying!  I felt so bad, but she really needed them to be tighter!

In her "ready" position!

Emma is loving soccer so far, and we are loving watching her play!!

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