Sunday, July 29, 2012

Disney Day 1~ July 18th!

Since Jessica and I had to go to the QS1 classes in the mornings, we got 3 days of tickets after 2pm (since we got out of class between 2 and 3 everyday).  It actually worked out perfectly!  The rest of the crew got to sleep late and play at the pool and take a nap in the mornings, then Jess and I would ride the monorail back to the resort to pick them up for a fun-filled afternoon/ night of park fun!!  Last April, we opened the park everyday and closed it every night (well really early morning!) and LoLo and PaPa said this trip was the way to go!  MUCH more relaxing (for them anyways!)  We didn't get to the Polynesian until about 12:30 am Tuesday night (Wednesday morning), so we slept late, ate a FANTASTIC breakfast,  and loaded up to catch the bus to Animal Kingdom at 1:00 in the afternoon.
Jessica brought her friends Haylee and Rusty Collums and their kids so that she could bring Jackson and we all hit it off so quickly!!  The girls became instant besties and Jackson and Ty were already buddies!
Madi Collums ("the grown-up Madi" as Emma called her), Jackson, Ty, "Baby Madi", and Emma ready for Animal Kingdom!!

Madi, Emma, and Mommy

LoLo and PaPa with the girls!

Jackson, Ty, Madi, and Emma-  This is going inside the "Tough to be a Bug" show.

We had to wear our Bug 3D goggles, of course!
It was a 3D show but, actually TERRIFIED big Madi!  Bless her!

Next was the Triceretops Ride!  Little Madi was asleep, so LoLo and PaPa rode with the girls first.

Told you they were instant friends! :)

Then I got to ride too!

Emma and Madi loved the ride!

Madi was the BEST baby EVER!!  If she got sleepy, she just layed back in the stroller and took a nap!

Madi woke up for the parade!


We (luckily) found a shady spot and ate snacks while we watched the parade!!  I was so glad that Emma was not nearly as scared of the characters this year!

Waiving and Dancing with the parade!

Mickey Mouse!

Next we rode the Dinosaur ride!

Jackson held his head down the whole time!  Ty thought it was "Awesome!"  Emma did fine on the ride but started crying when it was over.  It was really dark and a little scary with dinosaurs coming out at us from every angle...Funny, we did a lot of stuff that we didn't do last time, but I felt bad b/c I didn't know the Bug show and this ride were going to scare the kids!

The Lion King!!!  My absolute favorite!!!

The Madis waiting on the show!

The pictures can NEVER do this show justice!  It is beyond AMAZING!!!

We decided to eat at the Rainforest Cafe that is right there at Animal Kingdom!  Great food and great atmosphere!!

Ty and Jackson checking out the HUGE fish tank!

Animal Kingdom closed at 8pm (WHAT???!) , so we headed over to Magic Kingdom and got to see the AMAZING fireworks and the Electrical Parade!!

It was already past Madi's bedtime!

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