Tuesday, July 24, 2012

QS1 Conference at Disney World!!

ElderScript sent Jessica and I to the QS1 conference in Orlando, FL!!  (QS1 is our pharmacy software that we use.)  Of course, I couldn't go to Disney World without taking the girls, and of course Nick was NOT interested in going to stand in line for hours in the hot July sun, but LoLo and PaPa loaded up with us to go to see Mickey and Minnie!!! We said last year after driving the 12-14 hours, that next time we would fly...and that's just what we did!

I thought we did pretty good at packing only the essentials!

Emma's (and Madi's of course) first plane ride!

Madi and Emma did GREAT on the plane!!  They both were so good and loved it!!

Madi liked sitting on the refreshment tray!

Our conference was at Disney's Contemporary Resort, but I registered so late that we got put at the Polynesian Resort...LUCKY US!!!  It was AMAZING!!!  If (when) I go back, I would LOVE to stay here again!!  It was like being in Hawaii!!

In the background is the pool complete with volcano water slide!

The resort had tons of waterfalls and beautiful flowers and plants!!

LoLo and PaPa cheesing!

OK...I'm going to have to break this up by days, since I took about a ga-zillion pictures!!!

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