Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ONE Month till ONE!!

Happy 11 Months Madi!!  I can not believe that Madi will be ONE next month!  This year has truly FLOWN by!! Madi is such a joy and so much fun to be around!  She is still our little cuddle bug and is always smiling (with those cute little dimples, I might add)!  She is wearing a size 18-24 months in clothes and size 4 diapers.  She weighs right at 23 lbs.  She is completely off the ba-ba and has started trying a little juice in her cup...she is not very fond of the sweet stuff, like apple juice.  I am now trying the V8 grape and she seems to tolerate it ok.  I think she is going to be more of a tangy/ salty eater, instead of a sweet eater!  She loves all kinds of vegetables and meat (with no taste for breads...not sure where she gets that from!)
Sweet 11 Month Old!

Sticking out her tongue!

Madi is walking EVERYWHERE now!

...And likes to try to climb everywhere too!

Emma always "helps" me with Madi's monthly photo shoots!  This time she was rocking a song she made up..."Madi is 11 months...Happy 11 months..."

Madi is loving Emma's jumping zebra these days! (Thanks Ms. Tiffy!!)

The best picture of Madi's toothies I could get!  She now has 2 on top and 2 on bottom!

This is my attempt to get a picture of her sweet little curl in the back!
(This reminds me of my Mammaw!  She always cut off any of her grandkids' curls and kept them!  She had a ton of Chase's curls!!)

This was the first time that Madi fell asleep in her high chair!  Poor baby just couldn't take anymore!

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