Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 Months!

Madi turned 2 months old on Saturday, Sept. 24!  She is getting to be such a big girl!  She weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs 6 oz (90%) and measured 24.25 in (95%) at her 8 week checkup!  So, apparently she is keeping something down...  We are doing so much better on the EleCare formula!  HOORAY!!!  She is back to pooping unassistedly (if that's even a word) and has pretty much stopped the "colicky cry" she was doing everynight!  HOORAY (for mommy)!!  Madi loves for us to sit and talk to her and she tries her hardest to talk back to us!  She is smiling and cooing all the time.  We love our sweet Madi-Moo!!
Madi was not thrilled about taking pictures...
she just wanted to get her bottle and take a nap, so we had to keep the paci in!

Sporting her new leg warmers (courtesy of Etsy)!

Emma is such a great helper!

Madi's favorite person by far is still Emma!!
I hope they stay this close!

Madi has recently decided that she DOES like the swing and the bouncy seat!

Sweet Cheeks!

She still loves bathtime!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Formula Frustration!

**WARNING**  this blog is mostly about poop!

The past 4 weeks have been so frustrating trying to figure out which formula is right for Madi!!!!!!!  We came home from the hospital on Enfamil Infant (of course) and she was perfect for 3-4 weeks!  Never spit up, pooped good, very content, and never cried.  Then...she started having major diarrhea blow-outs, crying with stomach pain for 1-2 hours every night, and started spitting up ALL of her bottle.  I dealt with reflux with Emma, but this was completely different.  The doctor told me to switch her to a soy formula, so I went with Enfamil ProSobee concentrate liquid.  She did very well on the soy for about 2 weeks, despite the fact that she was too constipated to poop.  Dr. Nabors told me to add Miralax to her bottles, which did make her have a good normal poop, but she still screamed nightly with obvious stomach discomfort.  We also noticed that her skin cleared up.  She had been very reddish...especially on her bottom.  Then...she started throwing up whole bottles again.  Dr. Nabors said to switch to the Nutramigen.  After the 3rd bottle, she had major diarrhea.  After the 4th bottle, she broke out in a red splotchy rash from head to toe.  Scared me to death!  I was also confused as to why she would be allergic to the "hypoallergenic" formula!  I immediately switched her back to the ProSobee and called the doctor the next morning.  Then...after a couple of days, she started breaking out on the soy formula!!!  I did a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that she has protein allergies or protein sensitivity.  I know for sure she is allergic to the milk protein and I'm thinking now she is allergic to the soy protein as well.  I finally found the ultimate formula...EleCare.  It (and Neocate) is amino-acid based and is the only true hypoallergenic formula.  Madi has been on the EleCare for 6 days now and has not broken out... yet.  It is extremely expensive and has to be ordered through the pharmacy (not a problem for me ;), but she is still spitting up.  Not nearly as bad, but still more than I think she should.  She's still fussy at night, but last night she only cried for a few minutes (instead of 2 hours!) and she slept from 9pm to 5am!!!  I'm praying that this formula works for her!  Now I'm stressing about food allergies when she's older... We've never had to deal with all that.  However, I think she gets all this from me.  I was told 2 years ago from a GI specialist that all of my digestive issues I've dealt with my entire life are due to celiac disease.  Celiac disease is a food allergy to gluten.  Gluten is in everything and is apparently what makes food taste good!  I am supposed to stay away from anything with wheat, barley, or rye (breads, cakes, pasta, cookies, everything I like...)  I actually did go gluten-free for about 3 months, but just couldn't stick to it!!  It was way too hard!  The GI guy also told me I have eosinophilic esophagitis...basically I have an allergic reaction in my throat that causes my esophagus to constrict and not allow food to pass through.  I attribute this allergy to gluten too, b/c when I was gluten-free, I had ZERO episodes!  This EleCare formula is also gluten-free, which may actually be what Madi is allergic to.  Hopefully we have found a formula she can tolerate and are back on the road to having a content baby!  I just HATE when my baby doesn't feel good!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Emma's First Day of Preschool!

Emma started her first day of 3 year old preschool last Tuesday!  She is going to First Baptist Church on Tuesdays and Thursdays!  She has been going to Harrisburg's Mother's Day Out program for two years now, and will continue to go there on Mondays, but since she loves going to school so much, she is going to go 3 days a week this year!  She was so excited to go to her "new school!"  She is in the same class as Mary-Evelyn and Thomas and Fayth are there, but in different classes.  She had a great first week and absolutely loves it!!
My big girl ready for school!

She's so silly!

Her cubby in her class

Mary-Evelyn, Emma, and Thomas

Thomas on his first day!

Fayth ready for school!