Thursday, August 7, 2014


I can't believe my baby turned THREE the other day!!! Madi is getting to be such a big girl! You know how it seems they go from looking like a baby to looking like a big kid in what seems like overnight?  Well that's what happened to Madi sometime over the last year! :(. We kid Madi all the time by calling her our "wild child," and she is to a certain extent, but is also so full of joy and fun!! Her smile literally lights up her face and the room with her big beautiful dimples! She is ALWAYS singing!! PaPa says "she has a song in her heart and it just has to get out!" She is fully potty trained (including at night and number 2!), says EVERYTHING (and non-stop it seems!), knows her ABCD's (as she calls it!), and (the last I heard) can count to 30! Madi definitely has a mind of her own and you are not going to get her to do anything that is not HER idea (hence she might can count higher than 30, but she wouldn't let on that she can)!  She is full of imagination and will sit alone with her princesses (little figurines mom found set the Disney outlet) for hours and just play! She also likes to line them all up and gets very upset if you mess them up! (Wonder who she gets that from? ;). Madi is obsessed with all things "Frozen" so of course we had to have a "Frozen" themed birthday party!  We decided to have hers at the mall (just like Emma at 3!) and it turned out fantastic! I think we had a total of 18 kids plus some parents and grands that joined us to make her day extra special!!

Right before her party started, Madi said "it's perfect!" ever so quietly while looking at her table!! Melted this momma's heart!!
These cookies were AMAZING!!
The party favors were Olaf cookie pieces and bubbles!
Photo props for Instagram fun!
Carmen perfected these AWESOME Olaf cake pops!! They were the hit of the party!!

Happy 3rd birthday Madi Moo!! We love you to the moon and back!!

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