Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy 1/2 Year Madi!

Today is Madi's 6 month birthday!!  I can't believe she is already 1/2 a YEAR!!  Madi is such a sweetie-pie and we are so thrilled that God sent her to us!  Madi is now working on sitting up!  She can sit for several minutes before she rolls to the ground!  She is rolling eveywhere!  I'm not so sure she will crawl anytime soon, or at all for that matter!  She has found that she can roll and get where she wants to go pretty quickly!  Madi also got to try her first solids just this last week!  So far, she's eaten squash and sweet potatoes...with sweet potatoes being her fave!  Madi talks and SQUEALS (in a very high pitch, I might add) all of the time!  Her favorite thing to do is jump...in her jump-a-roo or while she is standing in your lap.  My favorite thing Madi has started doing this month is REALLY giving kisses!!  She will grab both sides of my face (or hair, whichever she can reach), pull me to her, and give me a big 'ole slobbery open-mouth kiss!!  Melts my heart!  She is also getting Nick wrapped around her finger by saying "DaDa" ALL the time!  BUT, I must admit that Emma is still her favorite person...and Emma still feels the same way!  Emma is always saying things like "We have the cutest baby ever, do we Momma" and "Madi is just an angel" and "I just love my little sister"  I hope they always feel this way about each other!
Still no "toofies," but she's really trying to get them in!
Notice the constant drool!

Madi weighed 18 lbs (90th percentile) and was 27.75 in (still off the charts!) at her 6 month checkup! 

People usually comment on her "big pretty eyes" and "those lonnnng eyelashes!"

1st taste of squash!

1st taste of sweet potatoes!


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