Monday, January 30, 2012

Spoke Too Soon About the Spoon...

If you remember from an earlier post, Madi got the okay to start solids.  Well, even though she absolutely LOVES being a big girl in her high chair and being fed from a spoon, we've had to put a hold on all food!  We fed her squash last Friday (Jan 20) and she started back her sneezng, coughing, and sniffing her nose like she's trying to blow it on Saturday (Jan 21).  These were the exact same symptoms she had when she was on the milk-based formulas.  By Sunday, she was spitting up everywhere!  We went from changing her clothes only once a day back to about 4 times on Monday...BOO!!!  We also gave her squash on Monday-Wednesday, and she did the same thing.  I called back to LeBohnuer and talked with Dr. Corkins's nurse.  He said to hold all food for 1 week, then start back on yellow fruits (like apples and pears).  She is still spitting up way more than she was and for the past week she has been SCREAMING and crying unconsolably for about an hour evey night.  I'm so frustrated, I don't know what to do!  Mom and I have even gone all organic by making her baby food with the Baby Bullet.  Dr. Corkins says that as babies reach a year old, their stomach lining closes, so that the proteins don't "leak" out and cause an allergic reaction.  Maybe Madi's tummy isn't closing as quickly or something??...I don't know! I guess we'll see if she can tolerate the fruits at the end of this week.  Of course, I am reminded everyday how blessed we are to have 2 amazing, beautiful, healthy if we have to deal with some food allergies, we will...and be grateful that it isn't anything worse!

1 comment:

  1. Bless her little heart (and yours)! I hope it gets better the older she gets.
