Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Week of Preschool!

Emma AND Madi had a great first week of preschool!!  Both of the girls are going to First Baptist on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year!  Of course, Emma could not wait to start back school again!!  She is such her mother's daughter...she BEGS to do homework all the time!  I used to love getting those little workbooks at Wal-Mart (instead of a toy) when I was little, and Emma is just the same!  She completed like 32 pages in a kindergarten book in like 2 days!

All of her supplies for her first day of 4 year old Preschool!

Madi liked getting her picture taken like Big Sis!
I was very nervous about taking Madi, because she has only ever stayed with me or LoLo!  They usually have to come get us out of church if she is in the nursery, because they can't get her to stop screaming!  I knew she would love playing with the kids, if she'd give it a chance, so I wanted her to go this year too.  (Emma started Mother's Day Out two days a week in February after she turned a year old, so I figured we'd do the same with Madi.)  Well, the big day finally came...she didn't wimper a bit!! (Even though a little boy in her room was pitching a big ole fit!)  I carried her to her room, and she started jumping to get down and play, and she did!  She looked at the little boy, like "What's wrong with you?" then went over and got a toy and tried to share with him!  Sweet girl!  That was Tuesday...Thursday was a little different story!  I guess she remembered that when we got to that room, I left her for a long time.  She started SCREAMING as soon as we walked in! Broke my heart!  But, her teacher pried her off of me and Emma and I went quickly out the door.  We stood outside a few minutes, and then I walked Emma to her room.  By the time I got back to Madi's room, she was fine!  So...we'll see how this next week goes!

Thomas and Emma are in the same class this year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Chase started Mother's Day Out at Reed's preschool last week, and it has not gone well! He not only cries when I leave, he cries the ENTIRE time! They called me to come up there on Tuesday after an hour and on Thursday after an hour and a half.

    Yesterday, he stayed the whole time! He cried a lot but not nearly as bad as the week before....Progress!!!
