Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bring on the Holidays!!!

I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!  I get so excited this time of year with all of the anticipation for the upcoming Holiday season!  I love having time to snuggle by the fire while looking at the Christmas tree!  And yes...I already have my tree up!!  It went up November 4th this year.  I think I get earlier and earlier each year!  I love getting together with my wonderful family and eating and eating and eating the most delicious food!!  I love getting to catch up with my cousins and their kids at family get-togethers!  I love Thanksgiving!!  I love Christmas!!  And this year, Emma is so excited too!  Since I have the tree up, this was our attempt at getting that perfect Christmas card picture!

Started out pretty good!!

I think this is the one I actually used!

Getting 2 kids to look is way harder than just 1 :)

Emma- "She's giving me a headache!"

Even though she was being silly, this is my favorite of Emma!!

"Ok mom...ready to try again!"

LOVE THIS ONE!!!  Thought about using it as our Christmas card and saying something like
"Maybe YOU'LL have a good Christmas!"

Wardrobe change and at it again!  This Momma was determined!

Absolutely LOVE this one too!!
Such sweet girls!!

Now, just have to get to shopping!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. They are so beautiful, and I must say you did a great job getting them to both look at the camera.

    My challenge is always getting them to both look at the camera and smile at the same time!
